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  • Writer's pictureRen Workman

Look Ma, I made it!

What a lovely and easy trip it was to Guatemala. Just as everyone has said, the folks here are so friendly and helpful. I'm writing to let you all know that I've arrived and happy, safe, and fed.

Antigua, Guatemala: I stayed in this city for one night before heading to Project Somos! It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and absolutely gorgeous.

I have just finished my first week of work at Project Somos, a children's village near Tecpan, Guatemala. I'm so lucky that I am living with four other volunteers from around the world in a beautiful purple house (la casa morada). Cooking all meals communally is such an incredible way to get to know new recipes, new people, and new ideas. I didn't realize how much I needed it.

Long term volunteers/ housemates. Left to right: Jacob, Aliki, Rahel, Emelie, & Ren.

What does a normal day look like? For each volunteer, it's very different. Here's what a normal day for me might look like:

6-8:00 Wake up, drink coffee on the porch, yoga with Emelie & Rahel

8-10:00 Work on the farm with Manolo (one of our farm workers)

10-12:00 Go to La Sala, where we have WiFi, and work on fundraising efforts

12-13:00 Cook lunch with the other volunteers, take a nap (siesta), read, relax

13-15:00 Focus on social media efforts around the village

15-16:00 Random projects from the Founders (this week, I'm sorting thousands of seeds we have been given into a seed bank!)

16:00-bedtime Hang out with the other volunteers, cook dinner eventually, definitely play a lot of card games, and probably eat raw cookie dough

Bindi! One of the four pups that lives onsite.

Two students make their way from morning play to morning snack.

That's all for now! I'm going to keep these pretty short and simple, but if you would like access to more photos or have any questions, feel free to send me a message! Peace, all.

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